Heyer, Paul. “Probing a Legacy: McLuhan’s Communications/History 25 Years After,” Canadian Journal of Communication 14, No. 4/5 (December 1989): 30-45. Special issue commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Understanding Media. Hickey, Neil. “Marshall McLuhan: ‘Televisionary’ or Crackpot?,” TV Guide 37, No. 23 (10 June 1989): 30. Hinckle, W. “Marshall McLuhan: The kind of guy he was,” Rolling Stone (5 March 1981): 9, 13. Hollender, Jeffrey. “Marshall McLuhan: Interview,” Innis Herald 11, No. 1 (6 September 1977). Hubbard, Jaimie. “Admen cool to McLuhan Index,” Financial Post 85, No. 39 (23 September 1991): 10.